Markdown in Chat

May 4, 2021 - v0.14.0

This update contains a handful of quality of life improvements:

  • Markdown is now enabled for chat messages. This is the same markdown support we have in the Template Creator. This means chat messages will automatically hyperlink urls, you can add formatting such as bold, italics, tables, and more. If you want to learn more check out GitHub Flavored Markdown.
  • You can now rename assets! You'll find a new option in your Dashboard's Asset Library and Table's Asset Tray when you open an asset's menu. This will only appear for the owner of the asset.
  • If you hover over the author of a chat message, the message's timestamp will show up.
  • When you join or enter a table that was already sharing an image or map, that image or map will now automatically appear for you as well.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred in the Template Creator when a Block or Input description box would attempt to resize itself to fit its contents.
