Text Chat

Text Chat is now available at all Tables on Role! Chat with your party, private message individual players, and view a log of all public dice rolls. You'll see a new Chat Button at the bottom right of your Table just above the Assets bar. Clicking that will open the "Everything" chat where you can see a public chat with all players at the table plus any dice rolls. Use the "Show Chat" dropdown to view only messages from people, the dice log, or to start a private message with someone. Here is the list of chat options you have available today:
- Everything: A public chat for everyone at the table plus all public dice rolls.
- Everyone: The same public chat from Everything minus the dice rolls.
- Dice Log: All public dice rolls by anyone at the table. Private dice rolls are never logged.
- Private Message: You'll see a list of every person at the table that you can select to start a private conversation.
All text chat histories will remain available so long as the table is active. This means you can leave, come back later, and pick up right where you left off. We also keep track of your last read message so you always know if there is something to catch up on when you return.
Misc Improvements and Fixes
- Toggling off a private roll will resend any current dice information to other players at the table.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when deleting a table and heading back to the dashboard.
- Fixed a crash when viewing a sheet that another player removes from the table.