Live Play and Misc Fixes

Live Play Connection Fixes
In our last big video and audio push, we made it so that entering a Table would automatically connect you to in-progress Live Play sessions. However, after living with it for a bit it was not quite as smooth of an experience as we had hoped. We saw that there was more "missed" connections than we would like. For example you might enter a table and be able to hear people but not see them, even if they had their cameras turned on.
With this update we've updated the flow to be a little closer to what it was previously (but still keep the optimized video and audio settings). Now when you enter a table, in the top navigation bar you see a button that says "Start Live Table" or "Join Live Table", depending on whether or not there is a Live Play session currently in-progress. If there is, you will also see how many current players are connected. Once you start or join a live play session, the button will disappear and you will be able to turn on your camera and microphone if you so choose.
Thank you to everyone who has been using Role and helping us refine our video / audio technologies & user experience!
Misc Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause the "Close" or "Minimize" buttons to not be clickable when viewing a Map or Image.
- Fixed an annoying bug with Notes that were fairly long. When typing text in a long Note, the scroll box would often jump to the top of the note and you would need to scroll back down to where you were typing. This was particularly affecting Google Chrome players. With this update, that bug should no longer be present!